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Chiropractic Care

Dr Skopp adjusting patientChiropractic focuses on the care of your spine. Your spine is made up of different segments. Each needs to move independently with a full range of motion for you to function optimally. Your nervous system runs through your spinal column. If there is a problem in the spine, it will affect your entire body. It’s our goal to make sure every part of your spine can move well so that you can operate at optimal levels.

When we remove stress from your spinal joints, it allows your spinal nerves to function as they should. With our care, you’ll have full mobility in your spine and body.

An Array of Care Techniques

Dr. Skopp’s multifaceted care may involve a broad range of different techniques, such as

  • Active Release Techniques® (ART). Whether you sit at a desk all day or are an elite athlete, your body is subject to trauma. Your muscles, fascia, tendons and nerves can tighten up, leading to the development of scar tissue. ART frees up adhesions so that you can move freely. It can be used to address injuries or to prevent them from occurring.
  • Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation. The majority of our patients can benefit from a traditional chiropractic adjustment.
  • IASTM. Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization uses tools to break up myofascial adhesions. With specialized instruments, we can reach into places that are hard to get to using our hands.
  • Kinesio Taping®. This tape can stabilize you, improve your posture, stop your muscles and joints from being overworked or help hold your adjustment. The tape acts as a spring so that your muscles can work more efficiently with less effort.

Getting Your Permission

We will never perform a single procedure that you aren’t comfortable with. Dr. Skopp will explain what he’s going to do before starting. If you prefer to approach your care in a certain way, just let us know and we will be happy to accommodate you. We even offer adjustments using the Activator® instrument if you would like a nonforce technique.

Discover the benefits of chiropractic. Contact our team now to schedule your first appointment!

Chiropractic Care | (703) 721-9600

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